Sunday 10 March 2013

Steps to Achieve Greatness

How To Achieve Your Goals: It doesn't really matter what you've set as your true calling, maybe it's becoming a millionaire, living on the beach, or having a large family. The most important thing is that you have found your definition of greatness that personally applies to you. Your next step is to form an action plan on how to achieve this goal. It may take a lifetime, but the only way you're going to get there is with a plan! Think Less Do More:....... It's easy to get lost in your thoughts and plans, but you won't achieve greatness by daydreaming alone. You need to take some powerful action to get there! Greatness won't just fall into your lap - you need to work hard in order to get there. Small Steps:......... Your definition of greatness is probably a lofty, multi-year goal, which can be a very intimidating and daunting task. But it doesn't have to be so bad when you plan things out day by day in small, manageable steps. It's vital to take life day by day and, at the same time, keep the bigger picture in mind. When you set and achieve your small daily goals, you'll build momentum without getting too overwhelmed. Surrounded Yourself With Good People:....... It's always great to be in the company of good, positive people. When you have someone you can look up to and model, you're bringing yourself one step closer to greatness. It's also a good idea to be surrounded by people who can inspire, motivate, and encourage you. My biggest advice to you is to keep the negative, complaining type out of your life. Those people won't bring you anywhere good! Setbacks:......... It's common to run into setbacks on your way to greatness. Things are not always going to turn out like you expect, but that is part of the journey to your success! When you hit a snag in the road, you need to pick yourself up, change course, and forge on. Of course, you'll want to maintain a high level of enthusiasm toward your goal. If a setback has got you down in the dumps, take a short break, then trudge along again! Don't allow anything to get in the way of your goals. You Are Already There:.......... Every once in awhile it's important to take a step back and reflect at your life. Are you enjoying your life and your journey? If so, then you're actually already living your dream. Remember: All you'll ever have in the present moment. If you like where you are and where you're going, greatness is already yours!

Saturday 9 March 2013

Self Motivational Keys to Greatness

1. UNDERSTANDING GREATNESS Greatness is superior to success; whereas success is limited to a particular area, at a particular time of one's life, greatness is a wholesome phenomenon. Greatness is a combination of several successes in a person's life that brings him public recognition and personal fulfilment. It is an immeasurable state of achievement in life. A Great Warrior is one who has fought and won several battles and wars. In life there are lots battles, some are spiritual, while some are physical. These battles go on in different areas such as finances, family, friends, health, business, education, leadership and even religion etc. When success is attained in all or majority of these areas, then the person who attains such successes can be branded as a great personality. You are not truly great until other people become successful through your direct or indirect input. To be great in life, you need to be committed to ensuring that you raise several successful people in your LIFE'S NETWORK. Your greatness is only confirmed by the testimonials from this network of successful people. The bottom line is; you can never be great without impacting positively on other people. 2. WHAT IS SELF-MOTIVATION Motivation is an inducement with a motive that causes motion or action. There is a motive behind every action and this motive produces a force that enhances the performance or outcome of that action. A man who is motivated or induced with a motive will naturally perform better than a man without any form of motivation. The absence of motivation produces nonchalance and/or laziness. Failure is a result of inaction and inaction is a result of lack of motivation, failure also is antagonistic to motivation. It can kill motivation when given the chance. A great man is one who has learnt how to handle his failures and fears. Self-motivation therefore is the act of staying focused on your motive and translating its power into a productive action with positive result. It is an internal push within a person that causes him to take action in line with his motive. Self-motivation makes you active. It is the activation of a person's life caused by the motives in his heart. I boldly prescribe Self-motivation as the antidote for laziness and failure. 3. ATTAINING GREATNESS To be great in life, you need to be a proactive person and the motive behind all you do on a daily bases should be hinged on attaining greatness. When your state of mind is centred around greatness, it will make you to be two things: A. An active person B. A peoples person You need to work and you need to be people conscious if you must be great. You do not necessarily have to do hard work but you need to work hard and better still, you need to work smart. Your aim should be to make as much people as you can successful in life. This consciousness will keep you self-motivated at all times because you will always have what to do and you will always meet people who need your help. So, stay motivated with good motives and your greatness in life with time will become obvious.

Friday 8 March 2013

Why Men Cheat

Why Men Cheat? Statistically speaking, men cheat for a single primary reason: sex. Human beings are not monogamous by nature. They don't mate for life with the first person of the opposite sex they come across. And it's because of this biology, it's believed, that many men experience the natural urge to "spread their seed". Now to be sure, in the case of marriages or committed relationships, there is far more than just biology at work. Many men report a loss of sexual desire for their wives after children are born...or even after witnessing their wives give birth. Their wives, to them, no longer appear as sex objects, but rather maternal figures. Another widely reported cause is the breakdown of fun or spontaneity in the relationship. For example, to men in long-term relationships sex will become routine or mechanical. Not an adventure as it once was, but simply as a means to an end. And so they seek that adventure, that adrenaline rush, with another woman (or women). Yet another cause is more biology related...the need to conquer. Think ego. It's reported that many men will seek sex outside of a relationship simply to see if they can do it. To see if they can convince a woman they are attracted sleep with them. It's the "notch in the belt" phenomenon that while frowned upon in the World.....To be continued

Monday 15 October 2012

Abnormal use of sex


Sex is a product manufactured by
someone and every authentic product
comes with a manual. This product
called “sex” also has a manual. To
operate a device and not know how to
operate it is called product abuse,
meaning "abnormal use". Here are 6
ways many of us have used this

PARTNERS. When you sleep with
someone, you enter into a covenant
with the person. Let me explain. Have
you noticed why the virginal of a
woman is sealed with a thin blood
membrane called, “THE HYMEN” if
she’s a virgin? When she has sex with
a man for the first time, the hymen is
torn and blood from the torn hymen is
poured out to seal the union. This is
an indication that a blood covenant
has just been cut between the 2
partners. In the case of non virgins,
the sperms and semen is what seals
the union.
2: SEX IS A HOOKER : If sex is cutting
covenant with someone, then it’s not
something you do and just walk away
from. It’s something you do and after
which you get hooked. Sex is a
hooker. It hooks you to their past,
present and future of another person
until broken. I have seen people
become gays, lesbians; develop
unusual hunger for sex after sleeping
unknowing with a sexually perverted
UNMAKE IT. See why. The deepest way
to know a person physically is to sleep
with the person. It’s the height physical
of intimacy. There is nothing deeper.
In marriage, this is beautiful. But
outside marriage, this single act
destroys a relationship. It’s brings the
2 partners to a place where they have
nothing new to explore in their
relationship since they have come to
the end of the tunnel with nothing new
PHYSICALLY to explore. If they have
built other forms of knowledge like
emotional intimacy, mental intimacy,
spiritual intimacy, the relationship
might last a while. But if not, it will die
very fast.
4: SEX IS A GATE: When you have sex,
you create a gate or a rout of passage
where internal content in the
PARTNERS are freely exchanged. A
gate is a point of passage. All of YOU,
physically, emotional and spiritually is
passed into your partner and all of
theirs is freely passed into you via sex.
This is why is say, “ANYONE YOU
Because All the content of a person is
exchange during sex. The painful thing
is this. If you sleep with a partner with
content’s such as madness, epilepsy,
gay, lesbianism, etc, you leave sharing
all these. Believe me.
5. SEX IS A RELEASE: You don’t just
release sperm or semen during sex.
You release a mixture of your past,
present and future and vice versa into
your partner. You don’t just release
physical content. You also release
spiritual content which when analyzed
will scare the living day light out of
SEX: If a partner tells you that sex is
his/her only way to express how much
he/she loves you, then they just lied to
you. Sex is not love and Love is not
sex. Love and sex are apart as day and
night. They are not close or related in
any way. Thanks for reading. ''''. Please
drop your